Grant Applications
due by April 15, 2024
We accept grant applications from the nonprofit organizations of Chebeague Island.
Annual Grants
Our latest Grant Guidelines are above with a few important changes that take into the account the need for operating expenses. The changes we have made are established for this year only and will be reviewed yearly before the next year grant cycle.
We learned from and listened to our own island nonprofits, as well as outside experts, and then changed our guidelines to include more access to operating funds.
The Recompense Fund board is here to help you with your grant applications and answer any questions you may have. We really want to make this a smooth and easy process.
We will not be doing a technical review in 2024 for early submission. The date for final submission will be April 15, 2024.
Awards will be made before the end of May.
Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.
Send your completed application to
Emergency Grants
The Recompense Fund understands that Chebeague nonprofits may face special situations outside the Annual Grant time period that could impact the existence of the nonprofit. For the last half of 2022 and into 2024 we have added this special type of a grant.
Small Grants
The Recompense Fund understands that Chebeague nonprofits may face special opportunities or emergencies outside the Fund's annual grant cycle. The Recompense Fund each year offers small grants of $500 each, up to a total of $2500 of the Fund’s annual budget for grants.
Any Chebeague nonprofit may submit a letter to the Fund (​​) at any time during the calendar year explaining an unusual need or opportunity it is facing. The letter should describe how this support will help address the mission of the Recompense Fund to help sustain a vibrant year-round community on Chebeague.
Awards may be made at any time outside of the annual grant cycle. The review process is transparent, fair, clear and speedy. The Executive Committee must approve a small grant award by unanimous vote in accordance with its Governance Guidelines before making its recommendation to the Maine Community Foundation for the award of a small grant. (See Appendix A for Small Grant Procedures) The applicant may expect to receive the small grant, if approved, within one month of submitting the letter of request.
MANP Maine Association of Nonprofits
Click these to download the application that you need.
The Grant Guidelines are included with the application.
You'll need Microsoft Word (Mac or PC)
You'll need to submit a Progress Report from your most recent grant, with your application.
We are interested in hearing about the highlights of your successes and challenges with the grant. We would like to hear your ideas about improving our support for your work.
Learn more about writing grants
Writing a successful grant application is a process that begins with an idea. The attachment below provides easy tips for the grant writing process and may help you plan more effectively.
Read the guidelines and directions carefully. Use a checklist to be sure that you include everything that is required. Don't submit information that is not required
Contact Recompense if you are unsure of something or if you have questions.
Have your application proofread to correct any errors.
Be as specific as you can with numbers, percentages, and other data.
Provide a detailed and accurate budget. Whenever possible, show that your project has other forms of support. Include in-kind support
Creating a Strong Application
Mission - Describe in 100 words or less, your organization’s mission or purpose and the primary populations you serve.
Programs or Services - Describe in 100 words or less, one or two of your organization’s most important programs.
Project Description - Complete the following sentence in 25 words or less: We request support to__________.
Overview - Provide a description of your project, including the overall goal and community need (s) you will address.
Overview – List up to three specific results you hope to achieve, include a brief explanation of how you will track your progress and/or measure your results.
Impact – For project requests: Explain how this project will make the community stronger. For capacity building requests: Explain how this project will make your organization stronger.
Activities – List up to five specific activities you will do to achieve the results and impact you described above.
Partnerships and Collaboration: List any organization that you will partner with to make this project successful. Include a brief description of what each partner organization will do in this project.
Population Served – Describe the people who will most benefit from this project. Include an estimate of the number of people who will directly benefit from or participate in your project.
Key Project Personnel – List specific roles, responsibilities and qualifications of key personnel for this project.
Budget Narrative – Describe how you plan to use the grant funds if you receive them in 200 words or less. Please check the grant program guidelines for a list of what is eligible for support.
Board Members and Advisoy Committee – The board list help reviewers assess the strength of an organization by considering the expertise and skills of the board.